
Schoales for WSESD school board

BRATTLEBORO — On Tuesday, May 21, there will be voting in the towns of Brattleboro, Putney, Dummerston, and Guilford for the school board of the merged Windham Southeast School District.

Unless the courts rule against this forced merger, this board will set the tone and create the management structure (e.g., how many representatives from each town for the new merged district). Thus, this will be a very important board with significant responsibilities to fulfill in a very short time period.

People in all towns will vote for all of the candidates, not just for people from their own town.

I support David Schoales because he has 10 years of experience on the Brattleboro Town School Board and six years of experience on the Brattleboro Selectboard. His extensive knowledge of the many special needs of Brattleboro's elementary population will make him a strong advocate for these students.

He also served on the Alternative Governance Structure Committee and developed good working relationships with school board members from the other towns and thus is aware of the needs for equity in other municipalities.

I believe that David Schoales will collaborate to promote an administrative structure and policies that will benefit all our children.

Absentee voting is happening in all towns now, so you don't need to wait until May 21.

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