
Food drive a success

PUTNEY — The Putney Foodshelf's sixth annual Top the Truck event of Sept. 25 brought in 2,590.5 pounds of food, thanks to the generosity of community members.

The food is now sorted and put on the shelves, and the cases of food that donors ordered through the Putney Food Co-op at bulk discount rate have been delivered both to the Foodshelf and to our Food4Kids program at Putney Central School.

We would like to give special thanks to the people and organizations that made this effort possible. We couldn't have done it without the effort of every single person who pitched in.

If you are in need of food, visit the Putney Foodshelf during our open hours: 9–10 a.m. on Saturdays and 6–7 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Putney Community Center, 10 Christian Square, ramp-side entrance. We are always open at those times. Everyone is welcome.

If you missed Top the Truck but still want to make a donation, check out our website for details: putneyfoodshelf.org/support-us.

If you have any questions about the Foodshelf, reach out to Hannah Pick, executive director, at [email protected] or call 802-387-8551.

Our community supports us so we can support our community, and we're grateful for all of you.

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