
Why this sudden rush to throw out WSESD?

GUILFORD — I attended the Guilford Selectboard meeting on Jan. 25 and was disheartened by two articles being proposed for the warning for Town Meeting. In essence, these articles propose dissolving the newly formed Windham Southeast School District.

The decision to put these articles on the warnings of every town in the district left me with many questions. Why this sudden rush to throw out a model that has only recently been adopted?

The new district has only been in existence for a little over one year. Most of that time we have been grappling with a pandemic. The board governing our “new” district has had virtually no time to get its feet under it. We have not had a chance to witness the potential benefits of the merger.

Is there any plan in place of what we'd shift to if we dissolve this district? What are the financial implications?

Town Meeting for the outlying towns is Tuesday, March 2. Since voting will take place by Australian ballot, there won't even be a chance for debate from the floor. Why push a vote when there can be virtually no public discourse about the pros and cons of this move?

The fallout from this hurried move will be far-reaching for our greater community in ways the voters haven't even considered. We need the opportunity and time to consider such a huge move.

I urge voters not to approve these poorly-thought-out efforts to undermine our newly created district. Please vote no on both articles.

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