Elan Moses

Imposing mergers on school districts that voted overwhelmingly against them is not in state’s best interest

I recently thought of an ad campaign to pitch to the state: “Come move to beautiful Vermont - where your vote on local issues doesn't count!”

In June, the state began a campaign to get young “e-workers” who can perform their jobs via the internet to move to Vermont by offering a $10,000 incentive!

Unfortunately, one key attraction about living in Vermont is being undermined. I believe that what will really attract young people to Vermont (besides the obvious natural beauty) - the ideals that Vermont has always held dear - are now becoming more desired by many young people.

There is in the larger culture a recognition of the importance of strong, local communities. This is especially true as it relates to the local-food movement, which Vermont has led nationally.

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How does an illegitimate, compromised president get to nominate someone to our top court?

One of the greatest political travesties of the last few years that will have the largest and most lasting impact was the ability of the Republicans to block President Obama's nomination to the Supreme Court. Obama nominated an individual with impeccable credentials who was far from a liberal firebrand.

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We must see more than one correct answer

An Act 46 merger is not inevitable

From the outset of hearing about Act 46 here in Putney, there has been a sense I and many other townspeople I have spoken with have had of its “inevitability,” as a de facto change that has come down from our governor and state legislators. This is not the...

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Governor, has the gun lobby gotten to you?

Governor Shumlin, your stance on gun control does not make sense. In fact, it is not even congruent with the way you govern on other important issues facing our state and nation. On Town Meeting Day, I was very pleased that you came and gave your home town an update on some critical goals of your administration. I have been a supporter and am very pleased with many of the initiatives you have worked on thus far. I was, however,

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