Kudos to Allison Teague for her comprehensive and clear-eyed reporting on the Rockingham Public Library's on-going saga [“Library gets temporary home; librarian called on carpet,” Town & Village, May 29].
It is a complex issue, with many sincere and valid concerns on both sides. Ms. Teague made it accessible and understandable to the neutral observer, as well as to those who find themselves in one faction or another. My home is in Westminster, but the RFPL means a great deal to my family, and we want it to continue in good health for many years to come.
Our experience has been that the library staff seem to love what they do and to enjoy working together to aid and inspire the public whom they serve so willingly and graciously. They are knowledgeable, hospitable, and sensitive to their mission and the public.
If, in the hierarchy of management, all is not deemed to be perfection, may I suggest a lighter, kinder, more honest approach to strengthening the whole rather than opting for the unseemly display of dirty laundry that has dominated the press most recently? Personality clashes, conflict of interest, petty manipulative games - all suggest that perhaps a clean slate, a fresh start, would work wonders toward resolving some of these problems.