Ann Braden

Artu, Hashim: pragmatic visionaries

I am thrilled that we have such incredible candidates running for state senate in Windham County. Wichie Artu and Nadar Hashim are both visionaries with the pragmatic skills needed to address the challenges we're facing, from covid to addiction to climate change.

Nadar Hashim, who has already served as state representative from Windham-4, views and crafts policy through the lens of equity and justice. Most notably -especially with the state senate losing Sen. Becca Balint - he is a bridge builder, respected by colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

Wichie Artu is a farmer who puts community at the center of all of his decisions and who listens deeply. As a gay Puerto Rican Vermonter, he has worked for racial and LGBTQ justice in our community and built up neighbor-to-neighbor assistance systems to help all thrive. He cares passionately about affordable housing and addressing climate change, and he has the skill set needed to bring people together and make change.

It is a special thing to find people with a clear and expansive vision and a willingnesss to serve. And in this case it's also combined with the rarest gem there is among those in power –– they are motivated by our needs rather than their ego.

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WSESD should jump at the chance to name Speno as superintendent

Like most people, I don't know the details regarding the WSESD superintendent search beyond the fact the process has stalled. However, if Acting Superintendent Mark Speno applied for the job, I urge the board to jump at the chance to appoint him leader of our district. Because what I...

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Balint: Congress is calling she was always meant for

The thought of Becca Balint representing us in Congress fills me with bucketloads of hope. I honestly can't imagine anyone more prepared to show up and fight for us all, whether it's taking care of the needs of working families or protecting democracy itself. Readers of her newspaper column...

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Children’s librarian brings ‘incredible creative vision’ to job

I want to take a moment to recognize someone I see making a wonderful difference in our community: Lindsay Bellville, the youth services librarian at Brooks Memorial Library, has transformed its children's room since taking over leadership in 2015. She brings an incredible creative vision to her work. Not only was she the brains behind the life-size Candyland game during Winter Carnival, but she also had the idea to promote the recent “Let's Read 2019” Community Read by marching in...

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In the end, state budget is about people

It was great to be part of the group - well over 100 of us - who showed up at Pliny Park in support of the state budget and in support of teachers while similar gatherings happened all over the state. Our voices are needed. Governor Phil Scott vetoed a budget that had passed nearly unanimously in the legislature (173–1, with all Republicans but one voting for it). Unfortunately, Governor Scott vetoed it because the Legislature refused to pass a...

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Write in Morgan for Brattleboro School Board

I'm writing in support of Robin Morgan's write-in candidacy for the Brattleboro School Board's one-year position. Robin is not only incredibly competent, but she is dedicated to supporting our public school system. She cares deeply about our responsibility as a society to take care of our children and support their development into fully functioning members of our community. Robin is a mom with kids in the school system, and it is vitally important to have a healthy representation of active...

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Deen, Mrowicki protect safety of constituents

I thank Windham County constituents for their generosity and their commitment to gun violence prevention. The GunSenseVT Victory Fund is a political action committee created to support candidates who have stood up to the gun lobby. Of the 155 donors for the Victory Fund, 98 percent are Vermonters, and nearly a quarter of them are from Windham County. Together, they have raised $6,500 out of our statewide total of $25,300. It speaks volumes about our county's determination to rebalance the...

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Stopping gun violence starts with discussion

One year ago, the shooter was walking into Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is still so raw. As the news reports came in, I know all of us were left cycling through disbelief, anger, and deep, deep sadness. We were taken to our knees. It was as if it had happened to our own family. And in a sense, it had. It was a tragedy so horrible that suddenly it didn't matter what state someone lived in or what house.

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