Judy Boynton

Woman’s Club continues its longstanding support of library

Amid the events of the Rockingham Free Public Library (RFPL) that have unfolded over the past several months, we, as the officers of the Bellows Falls Woman's Club, would like our collective voices to be known as very positive supporters of the library.

Our club, organized in 1901 and admitted to the General Federation of Women's Clubs in 1913, has had a very special relationship with RFPL. One of the prominent goals of the General Federation is to promote literacy at all levels. Thus, for many years, our November meeting has had the theme of library day/literacy.

To help promote this theme, our library has arranged for speakers from the staff, for authors, and for PowerPoint presentations. These programs have been very well received, and we appreciate the library's cooperation in providing them.

In return, the club has contributed many books, DVDs, audio books, tapes, large-print books, money, and other items to help the library serve the community.

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