WARDSBORO-First, I am not a resident of Brattleboro but a frequent visitor since the mid 1970s, so I have seen many "flavors" of the town over that time period.
I am wondering what the big deal is about the Acceptable Community Conduct Ordinance. These types of ordinances and policies are part of everyone's life. I have never worked for an employer that didn't have an employee policy manual which clearly defines unacceptable conduct, including things like sexual harassment, bullying, dress codes, etc.
As a matter of fact, an employer that doesn't clearly define acceptable employee conduct exposes themselves to expensive litigation on numerous issues of conduct.
My community hospital (home to my personal care physician) has a patient conduct policy clearly posted at entry points and throughout the building. It states "Aggressive Behavior Will Not Be Tolerated" and then states that service can be denied and the person banned from care for unacceptable conduct.
I was recently in Washington, D.C. at the National Portrait Gallery. While walking through the various rooms I came across a painting, “Surrender of a Confederate Soldier,” by Vermont-born artist Julian Scott. The placard read: “At the age of fifteen, Julian Scott lied about his age to enlist in...
Howard Fairman, you sound like a bitter skier talking about snowboarders when the mountains started letting “those kind” on the slopes. Don't you believe in diversity on the trails? “Oasis” means different things to different people.
I was recently up in the Grafton area and while in a store picked up all of the anti-windmill literature. It was a little bit of science, a lot of pseudoscience, and a bunch of outright nonsense. Sounded like Trump arguing against immigration. He has no logical argument against it but throws everything against the wall because he knows something will stick. If you just don't like it, say so. There is nothing wrong with the not-in-my-backyard argument as long...
Let's take a group like 350.org. It gets its power from people who have a common interest coming together to organize, raise money, form activist groups, protest, and try to influence legislation such as allowing the Keystone pipeline to be built. Bully for them! That's their right. Should anyone be able to limit these rights and somehow determine if they're acting for the public good? That idea is laughable and incredibly un-American. Should their status be granted for a limited...
RE: “What happened to Occupy Wall Street?” [Viewpoint, Nov. 6]: Are unions people? If you answer yes, then obviously corporations are people, too. They are very similar: groups of people with common interests. Unions put big money and influence into political campaigns. Why shouldn't corporations have the same rights? There are many campaigns where the left has outspent the right. They never cry about the influence of big money then. Attention, everyone! Stop crying, grow a spine, and vote!