Joseph F. Kowalski

WSWMD must keep pace with the times, make major changes, former manager says

Looking in the rearview mirror from my home in Florida, I see a municipal solid-waste recycling, compost, and transfer facility that is failing.

Before my retirement two years ago, I managed the Windham Solid Waste Management District's operations for the past 20 years and need to set the record straight.

When George Murray, past executive director, and I left the district, we noted to the board of directors the need for change in operations to keep pace with the ever-changing recycling playing field. It was our suggestion to the board not to collect #3-#7 plastics because of unstable markets or no markets at all.

The board did not listen, and the floodgate was open to freestyle recycling - like the postal service, “if it fits, it ships.”...

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