Dec. 23 of this year marks the 100th anniversary of an important event in American history. It is the day that our Congress sold us into slavery by passing the Federal Reserve Act.
The Federal Reserve Act was drafted during a secret meeting of bankers and government officials on Jekyll Island off the Georgia coast in November of 1910. Owned by the wealthy of the day - Paul Warburg, J.P. Morgan, John Rockefeller - Jekyll Island was a retreat for the elite.
Although our Constitution clearly states, “The Congress shall have the Power to...coin money [and] regulate the Value thereof...”, Congress, on Dec. 23, 1913, abdicated its responsibility to its constituents and relegated this task to private bankers known to us as the Federal Reserve.
As a result, our government, instead of issuing money, now allows a private banking cartel to create dollars from thin air and then borrows them. To pay the interest on this borrowed “money,“ Congress passed the 16th Amendment, allowing for a direct tax on “incomes, from whatever source derived”: the income tax.