On behalf of the trustees of Friends of Music at Guilford, I extend sincere thanks to everyone who attended and otherwise supported our 43rd annual Community Messiah Sing on Dec. 7, and our 41st Christmas at Christ Church concerts on Dec. 13 and 15, events that allow us to contribute to the support of three other local nonprofit organizations.
Set at Centre Congregational Church since 1980, the Messiah Sing was rededicated in 2007 as a benefit for homeless people at holiday time. Since then, we have raised more than $11,500, divided equally between the Brattleboro Area Drop In Center and Morningside Shelter. This year's total for the two agencies was $1,704.
An annual outdoor collection by Drop In Center volunteers supplemented our cash contribution with groceries, winter outerwear, and bedding from Sing attendees and others.
The soloists and conductor for this community-based event have traditionally donated their services to the cause. We appreciate the service trades, discounts, or cash donations from the Messiah Sing sponsors.