Delores Klaich

A federal government she can support

Lately I've been envisioning a federal government I could support. This is what some of it would look like:

President, Elizabeth Warren; secretary of state, Michelle Obama; attorney general, Sally Yates; secretary of education, Rachel Maddow; secretary of energy (name changed to secretary of the environment), Kamala Harris; secretary of the interior, LaDonna Brave Bull Allard; Supreme Court associate justice, Toni Morrison; press secretary, Amy Goodman.

Newly created cabinet positions:

Secretary of human rights, Angela Davis; secretary of literature, Margaret Atwood; secretary of singing, Renée Fleming; secretary of theater, Meryl Streep.

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League of Women Voters supports minimum wage increase, paid sick time bills

The League of Women Voters of Vermont urges that this paper and its readers provide strong support to Vermont Senate Bill 255 and House Bill 208. These bills would ensure that all employees would accrue a minimum number of paid hours annually so that they can take paid time...

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