Patti Smith

You can see the total eclipse on April 8 from points north of a cutoff line that runs diagonally from Middlebury to Barre to St. Johnsbury.

Don’t miss the solar eclipse on April 8

Vermonters will have a prime seat for this rare celestial event — and experience perspective-altering awe

Do you have Monday, April 8, circled in red on your calendar?

Just in case you are someone who isn't excited about the upcoming total solar eclipse, I want to make sure you know why you should be. If you have seen lunar eclipses and partial solar eclipses, you might think April 8 will be similar. Consider this: the sun is so bright that even a 90% eclipse could go unnoticed if you weren't watching for it.

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Spring fever

Although less visible than beavers, muskrats have a great deal in common with them. With 10 to 15 of them sharing a lodge all winter, they occasionally want to get out in the spring and maybe even take in a movie.

The first warm days of spring are among the sweetest of the year. One does not stay indoors willingly. Imagine how you'd feel about such a day if you had spent the winter in a dark hut of mud and cattails with a bunch of damp muskrats. If I...

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A pond in spring

A wildlife rehabilitator introduces herself to the creatures on her property — and the rhythm of the seasons there

On May 2, a trickle of water worked its way through a weakening matrix of mud and sticks in the base of the dam that contained Popple's Pond. As the flow increased to a torrent, the waters plunged downstream where, a quarter mile below, the flood aroused the interest...

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