I am pleased to be supporting Chip Carter for the three-year opening on the Guilford Selectboard.
I take it as a good sign when people arrive in town and plunge right into work for a community organization, as Chip has done with the Green River Village Preservation Trust.
Being on a town Selectboard has become a demanding and complex job, and it is important, if we want to preserve this form of small-town government, that we continue to find talented people - including our current chair, Zon Eastes - who are willing to devote their time to the position, as Chip Carter will do.
Guilford voters will be able to meet the candidates at the Pre-Town Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 6:30 p.m. at Broad Brook Community Center. Vote for Chip on the Australian ballot at Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 5 at Guilford Central School, or ahead of time by contacting the town office or by going to the Vermont Secretary of State's site....
Thank you for the wonderful and touching piece by Ian Diamondstone about Dalem's Chalet. The official write-up about the renovation of the property into housing was necessarily dry and sketchy, and it was great to have Ian's personal story of his relationship to this remarkable place and its founder...
On Jan. 15, the Vermont Supreme Court heard the appeal of the case challenging the state's school consolidation policy - that infamous boondoggle known as Act 46 - in a suit brought by 33 school districts throughout the state. A number of residents of towns in our area attended...
Voters in Guilford, Brattleboro, Putney, and Dummerston will vote in a special election on Tuesday, May 21 for directors on the new Windham Southeast School District board. Each town will have two representatives. You'll discover on the ballot that one of the positions has no candidate listed. It's the two-year slot for Guilford. I'm pleased that Kelly Young has indicated that she will accept the position as a write-in candidate. In this election, all the positions are voted upon by...
Broad Brook Anthology, a Play for Voices, by Guilford poet Verandah Porche, will be Guilford Center Stage's final production of the year. The production is in association with Monteverdi Artists Collaborative. There will be two performances this weekend: Saturday, Nov. 24 at 6:30 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 25, at 4 p.m., at Guilford Center Meeting House. General admission is $10 at the door. The work, based on recollections of Guilford elders, was first performed in 2011, as part of the...
I am pleased to be supporting candidate Sara Coffey for our Windham-1 legislative district. I have worked extensively with Sara on Guilford projects, ranging from the 250th anniversary celebration, to Grange events, to the Broad Brook Community Center, of which she serves as president. I am always impressed by her skills, level of commitment, and fairness in all that she takes on. As our district includes both Guilford and Vernon, I particularly note Sara's efforts to reach out to Vernon.