I am glad to see that the 100-percent-white town-government staff is considering taking action to make itself more reflective of the people who live here. I hope that the conversation reported in The Commons bears some fruit.
Being aware of the problem and discussing it is not enough. Minds need to change also.
In order for change to happen, we need to venture out of our cocoons, look around, ask questions, and then act differently.
Curtiss Reed Jr. of the Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity suggested reaching out for consultation. There needs to be input from people who have a wider and deeper perspective than is demonstrated by the Selectboard.
I have to admire Dart Everett for his creative and rampant imagination with regards to the governor's future plans, farfetched as they may be. I support the Affordable Care Act, but it falls far short of the ease and efficiency of Medicare, which is, in fact, a single-payer system.