Richard A. Dudman

Toward a sane, forward-looking budget process

‘The uproar over the police and fire project perfectly illustrates the way Brattleboro lurches from year to year on one crutch: a minimal budget addressing the most urgent need of the moment’

Once again, our town has gone through its spring ritual of decrying the proposed “excessive” (unconscionable?) tax rate. There are far more constructive questions that need to be asked before initiating this handwringing drama.

The primary question: Are our taxes productive?

To be productive, taxes need to create a desired future while maintaining the present. There is plenty of evidence suggesting that our taxes fail on both counts.

Our deteriorating infrastructure (roads, buildings, housing) certainly suggests that we are not maintaining the present, nor is there any evidence to suggest that we are creating a desired future as we simply limp from year to year.

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