Chloe Learey

An architect’s rendering of the latest iteration of plans for “The Village at Winston Prouty,” as shown in a video posted on the nonprofit’s website on Aug. 15.

Our economy will die on the vine if we don't address the housing issue

To keep moving forward, the Winston Prouty Center Housing Development Project to develop urgently needed housing in Brattleboro must raise $150,000 for predevelopment work

Chloe Learey is the executive director of Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development in Brattleboro and serves as the steering committee chair of the Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance, as well as on the boards of the Vermont Community Loan Fund and Brattleboro Memorial Hospital.

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Using our collective wisdom to take on the housing market

At Winston Prouty, we view our property as a community asset. We need the community to help us with our plan to build urgently needed housing.

Chloe Learey, a speaker on the panel at the Voices Live forum, is the executive director of Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development in Brattleboro. She serves as the steering committee chair of the Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance, as well as on the boards of the...

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‘I am grateful to be reminded of our North Star’

A guest in the audience for the president’s State of the Union address reflects on the experience

Chloe Learey is the executive director of Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development in Brattleboro. In announcing that Learey would accompany her to the State of the Union address, U.S. Rep. Becca Balint said that her guest "understands the impacts bold and creative investments in housing mean...

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Homelessness casts shadow over children

Chloe Learey is the executive director of Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development in Brattleboro and serves as the steering committee chair of the Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance, as well as on the boards of the Vermont Community Loan Fund and Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. Four years ago, the state of Vermont mustered the political will to offer shelter to all as the pandemic unfolded. The motel program was born and has continued to this day. It has...

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Winston Prouty Center raises $25,000

I would like to thank the community for supporting The Winston Prouty Center's annual Par for the Cause fundraiser. This year we raised over $25,000! We are grateful to the more than 100 businesses and individuals who supported our fundraiser by placing an ad in the event program, donating products and services to our raffle, or contributing to our family-fun experience. This year the event drew more than 150 people to our campus for a morning of pretend play, bouncy...

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Safe, stable housing is a critical part of child development

Since 1968, the Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development has provided inclusive education and family support to promote the success of children and families. For the past two years, we have been talking about developing housing. One of the questions we keep being asked is: Why? The first response is because we can. We own a property that has been a residential site, that is connected to town water and sewer infrastructure, and that is less than a...

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Winston Prouty raises over $20,000

I thank the community for supporting The Winston Prouty Center's annual Par for the Cause fundraiser last month. This year we raised over $20,000! We are grateful to the 90 local businesses and individuals who donated products and services to our Prize-a-Day Raffle. To see a list of prize donors, visit Our staff constructed another incredible mini-disc-golf course with this year's theme of Children's Games and put on a wonderful family-friendly event with food, drinks, and fun activities for...

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When we support early childhood education, everyone benefits

April is the Month of the Young Child in Windham County. It is a wonderful opportunity to both celebrate early childhood and to honor the tireless efforts of child care providers who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Broader awareness about the importance of the experiences a child has in their early years has led to successful initiatives to support public investment in services for young children and their families, including early education. There is also much greater...

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