Nadav Malin

The science is solid, the risk is real. And so we marched.

Maybe — if enough of us march, and plan, and make smart choices — we’ll have a chance at beating this thing

I'm not a frequent social activist. I haven't been to a major rally since my college days, but when my teenage daughter gets excited about something I care about, I'm all in!

And Michaela was getting excited by the social media buzz about the People's Climate March, so with some last-minute scrambling, I headed down to New York City with family and friends to the big march.

By the time we succumbed to the FOMO (fear of missing out) and started making plans, the buses from our region were sold out, so we drove from Brattleboro to Manhattan.

Driving to a climate march? At least we had a full car (five people) getting 40 miles per gallon, so our 200-passenger-miles-per-gallon wasn't that much worse than a full coach bus, at about 275 passenger-mpg.

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