Nancy Childs

Behind the makeup

Behind the makeup

German film follows aging gay and transsexual performers as they prepare to close their cabaret

The German film Before the Last Curtain Falls, directed by Thomas Wallner, won't be to everyone's taste. The film takes a heart-wrenching look at a group of gay and transsexual performers, in their 60s and 70s, who share their personal stories: coming out as gay, surgical procedures for some, and the challenges of present-day relationships.

The film requires the audience to explore a world still not widely known or understood, even in today's culture, where same-sex marriage is legal and we learn more about the transgender community every day. But those who accept the challenge to watch this film won't soon forget it.

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Two films underscore threats to environment

Tales of sand pirates and fracking

The phrase “sand needs more respect” isn't likely to be on the top of anyone's list of sand-related thoughts, but by the time you've finished seeing eco-thriller Sand Wars, a 2013 documentary from French director and writer Denis Delestrac making ripples worldwide, you might have second thoughts. Sand, along...

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