Bob DePino

Who is the bully in discussion of gun control?

Kevin O'Keefe flatters himself if he thinks I was referring to him in my Viewpoint [“Why schools are attractive targets for mass shooters,” March 7].

I mentioned “highly qualified people,” specifically “ex-law enforcement, former military and even highly competent civilians - who will step up and volunteer to actively protect our most precious citizens.”

You, sir, are none of these.

You, sir, are among the true bullies. You stand with “misguided arrogance,” self-righteous indignation, while pointing fingers and calling names.

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Why schools are attractive targets for mass shooters

The addition of multiple armed faculty to our schools would add a layer of uncertainty and allow a multiplication of force in defense against an attack

In a recent VtDigger article, we get a rare glimpse into the mind of a potential school shooter. According to the story, “His first target, though,” the would-be shooter, Jack Sawyer, told the detective, “would have been the school resource officer,” Scott Alkinburgh, a corporal in the Fair Haven...

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Rhetoric from GunSense VT: deceitful, reprehensible, and untrue

Let's get a few things straight. Vermont is the safest state in the nation with the lowest violent-crime rate in 2013, 2014, and 2015, according to FBI statistics - the same years that GunSense VT has pushed its gun control agenda! Contrary to the rhetoric of its executive director,

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DePino and Cutler stand strong for gun rights

I am glad Connie Baxter has taken the opportunity to introduce my wife, Bonnie, and my best friend, Eddie Cutler, to the residents and voters of the Windham-4 district. I have been very busy lately protecting the rights of Vermonters and the American public from the never-ending wave of anti-rights propaganda and legislation moving through Vermont and Washington, and I have not been able to sit down and write a little bit about my wife. Sorry, honey! My wife is...

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Long vendetta against Westminster West School

The school board has been trying to close the Westminster West School for years. In 2009, the budget was released for the West and Center schools, and we calculated that the West school cost about half as much to educate a child as the Center School. But the school board always complained that the West School cost too much. The fight over the West school included changing the makeup from 1-2 and 3-4 grades, to K-1 and 2-3 so the...

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