Steve Farrington

Trump and Republicans bringing the nation down

Donald Trump views other people's money as a tool he can use. It doesn't matter if he defaults on his loans, because with creative bookkeeping and manipulated tax returns he still comes out ahead - the hell with those he owes money to.

That is the same kind of attitude that makes him attractive to the Republicans and their history of liking supply-side economics.

The 1 percent can default on their tax obligation to their nation, using tax cuts, loopholes, and deductions to pay very little or nothing at all for taxes.

The government has to provide services to the nation, most especially our national security, on a credit card, borrowing what we need to keep the government going. Who, by the way, is one of our creditors? China.

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Crisis and opportunity

RE: “Economic impact of VY shutdown” [, posted Dec. 26]: The economic situation that will affect the tri-county area as a result of the closing of Vermont Yankee strikes me as creating an opportunity for these three counties to work together to create a comprehensive economic growth plan they...

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