I encourage everyone to get out and vote against the proposal to merge the Windham Southeast school operations into one unified district. This vote will occur on Tuesday, Nov. 7 in Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney.
If passed, local school boards for each of our towns will be dissolved. A new Supervisory Union “super” board will decide all kinds of things that local school boards do now, with participation of local parents and community members.
School boards are often known as the education watchdog for their communities. They are responsible for ensuring that students get the best education for the tax dollars spent.
School boards are responsible for negotiating contracts with school employees. They approve curriculum materials, and they decide if and when the closure or expansion of a school is necessary.
Shela Linton has always been awesome for Brattleboro. She wants to empower other people. In light of this kind of commitment, activism becomes clear as humanitarianism.