Those of us who live in Vernon have experienced the effects of Vermont Yankee’s closure firsthand. Thanks to NorthStar’s proposed purchase of Vermont Yankee, Vernon has a chance to rebuild Windham County’s economic foundation sooner.
However, the state’s latest demands to require NorthStar to adhere to “residential standards†when decommissioning the site may force additional, pointless delays on the deal.
While constructive vetting is useful to ensure NorthStar’s ability to complete the job, endless roadblocks such as this will only delay the economic benefits that our region needs.
Even worse, these objections could lead NorthStar to throw up its hands and quit, leaving us with a 60-year delay to receive the economic benefits Windham County needs.
It is with deep regret that I resign from my position as a member of the Vernon Selectboard. The current climate in which the board is forced to work has become very difficult. As a professional, I am used to working in situations where people treat one another with...