One can only guess what is going on in Montpelier to explain why the Vermont Legislature recently passed Bill H.42 [“An act relating to temporary alternative procedures for annual municipal meetings and electronic meetings of public bodies”], which suspends the Vermont Open Meeting Law until July 1, 2024.
Bill H.42 was signed into Vermont law by Gov. Scott on Jan. 25. There is no explanation in its language for the purpose or need for the sudden suspension of Vermont Open Meeting Law or the changes made to Annual Vermont Town Meeting procedures.
This unexpected new law was passed just in time to greatly affect Vermont’s tradition and practice of annual open town meetings throughout the state. Its directives will oppress the freedoms of Vermont citizen involvement in their local governments.
The decisions made annually at Vermont town meetings on the spending of citizen tax dollars and on other local matters directly affect the everyday lives of Vermonters. Many citizens look forward to participating in their local town meetings.
For those of you who may not know, the Nov. 8 general election ballots are being mailed to all individual voters on all Vermont city and town voter checklists under the control of the Vermont Secretary of State's Office. Town clerks in the state used to have control of...
Many people - both residents and those living beyond our borders - believe that the recent change in Selectboard members has given Vernon a new level of openness, freedom, and hope for its people, while greatly improving the environment for a better-functioning town government. As an elected auditor for...