The core mission of the Landmark Trust USA is to rescue and restore significant historic properties so people can rent them, sleep and live in them, and experience the cultural and artistic legacy embodied in each of them.
I am responsible for the five properties we own and offer to the public as short-term vacation rentals. The life and life style in each varies from two farmhouses from 1799 and the 1840s; Rudyard Kipling's home, Naulakha; his carriage house from the 1890s; and a sugarhouse from 1915.
The craftsmanship in each is impressive, and all of our guests are thankful that these buildings have been saved, that they have had the chance to savor special moments in history.
In my view, Naulakha is more than a monument to the memory of an internationally famous writer. Instead, it should be an inspiration to creativity and imagination.
The recent Just So Stories event at Naulakha, Rudyard Kipling's home, was a phenomenal success, more so than any prior year. This event has been offered to area elementary schools for the past 15 years and at the conclusion of the week set aside for the kids, an evening...