Richard Morton

Rick Morton, state senator

Depriving the majority party of its supermajority would be a major red flag for them, and it would tell them that many Vermont Democrats are not happy with the direction being taken in Montpelier

Richard Morton, a chaplain serving an elderly population on the campus at Vernon Homes, serves as town chair of the Republican Party in Brattleboro and is the party's nominee for a seat in the Vermont Senate.

BRATTLEBORO-Maybe you are a registered Democrat and have faithfully voted Democrat for years. You should still split your vote this year. Here are two of several reasons why.

First, an approximately 14% property tax increase in an election year tells you that your party thinks that they have a lock on your vote, that they can do whatever they want to you, and that you will still vote the party line. Will you let them get away with that?...

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We need balance in our Legislature

Gov. Scott cannot act as a brake on every foolish, unneeded, and wasteful piece of legislation by his veto. His veto comes into play only if it can be sustained. We need Republicans in Montpelier to keep the Democrats from having free rein in the State House.

I am the kind of guy who washes the edge of a jelly jar and salad dressing bottle and rinses out the cap before putting them away. If there are crumbs in the microwave, I clean them out and then check if there are splatters on the roof. My...

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Republican town committees give citizens significant power to organize

News we see on TV, online, or in the paper about the direction our country is moving is distressing. Whatever your hot button issues are, one of the key arenas for changing things is the political arena. That arena is open to everyone. Every voter who lives in Windham...

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Far beyond Roe v. Wade

The Vermont Legislature is considering a significant expansion of abortion in our state under the guise of protecting the right to choose an abortion in the unlikely case that Roe v. Wade is reversed or restricted by the Supreme Court in coming years. The House bill is entitled “An act relating to preserving the right to abortion.” However, it does a lot more than preserve an existing right. The bill goes far beyond Roe, guaranteeing unrestricted abortion through all nine...

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Republicans, become active in town GOP committees

Everyone who lives in Windham County can join other like-minded voters and help the Republican Party organize your town's GOP committee. Help bring balance back to the legislature in Montpelier. What are your hot issues: Unconscionable waste? Burdensome taxes? Guns rights? A non-representative legislature wasting time and money? Respect for life at any stage of development? Religious liberty? The process begins with organizing town committees this Wednesday, Sept. 13. Did you know that as few as three registered voters in...

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Confessions of a wary Trumpist

I stayed up watching the Super Bowl right to the very end. Up until about the six-minute mark in the fourth quarter, it seemed hopeless and very discouraging for a Patriots fan. Then it turned, dramatically. I remember similar feelings all night long on election night. It wasn't until after 11 p.m. that there was some sense this race was actually close and might go Donald Trump's way. I stayed up until past 3:30 a.m., hugely surprised and pleased. It...

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Bring balance back!

People living in Windham County who are disgusted with the news they hear coming from their TV can stop yelling at the screen. Even if you aren't exactly yelling at the TV but still are wondering what this world is coming to, there is some good news. You can do something about your distress right here and right now in Windham County, and join with other like-minded voters to help the Republican Party organize your town's GOP Committee to help...

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