SAXTONS RIVER-On Tuesday, Nov. 5, I will be voting for Leslie Goldman and Michelle Bos-Lun as state representatives for the Windham 3 district, covering Westminster, Rockingham, and Brookline. They are long-time residents and experienced legislators who are passionate about representing all their constituents and are well-versed on the many issues we face in our communities.
I've known Leslie for over 40 years - as a friend and neighbor, as a fellow activist, and as my nurse practitioner. She's served as a member of the Bellows Falls Union High School Board and the Rockingham Selectboard, and she has represented Vermont's Windham-3 District since 2021.
Leslie is a lifelong Democrat who supports health care for everyone, including reproductive liberty, dependable child care, and education for all our citizens.
In addition, she knows that creating and maintaining strong businesses, whether large or small, will attract and retain a workforce that improves the quality of life for everyone.
I was very sorry to read this article, which painted the actions of several loyal public servants, particularly Louise Luring, in such a bad light. The expression “If you want something done, ask a busy person” could have been written for Louise. She has volunteered for and/or led numerous...
This is to alert your readership to the fact that lately there have been many attempts to scam local residents into thinking that their computer has been hacked, or a “firewall has been breached” and the computer needs to be “cleaned” by an “Expert Computer Service.” If a box...
The letter below was written by Sophia Ali-Khan, a Muslim-American woman. After she posted the letter on Facebook and it went viral, she was interviewed by Thomas Roberts on MSNBC. I learned about the letter after reading it on my grandson's Facebook page; I thought it was so powerful and important that I wanted to share it with our community - those who might not otherwise have a chance to read it. I hope it reaches into the hearts of...