Hugh W. Barber

Brattleboro EMS: corrections where due

In my letter regarding Brattleboro's EMS project, I listed some incorrect costs, and I strongly believe that I have an obligation to clarify things and do apologize for not doing my due diligence.

After a conversation with Assistant Town Manager Patrick Moreland, I am able to speak on two issues where I was inaccurate.

First, based upon the town's EMS projections, it appears that the fiscal year 2025 cash flow will have little impact upon the general fund. I had erroneously predicted large annual losses.

Second, the total cost to implement the EMS is predicted to be in the $1.3 million to $1.9 million range. I had stated $1 million in my letter.

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Brattleboro’s EMS decision was shortsighted, horrendously wrong bureaucratic expansion

I have been silent on the Selectboard's termination of the Rescue Inc. contract in favor of the town taking over EMS, but it is now time for me to speak on the issue. This was a shortsighted and horrendously wrong decision, because the numbers just do not make sense.

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DeGray, Case, Reichsman: thorough, dedicated, and unafraid

Tip O'Neil said that “all politics is local.” Brattleboro has a very important local election coming up on Tuesday, March 7 regarding the Selectboard. I am writing to show my support for Dick DeGray, Peter “Fish” Case, and Franz Reichsman. All three are longtime residents who will demonstrate allegiance...

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Local meals/room tax revenue was to reduce high tax burden, not fund marketing

Here are some issues to think about prior to Brattleboro's Annual Representative Town Meeting coming up on Saturday, March 23. To make rational decisions about spending, one must carefully consider the municipality's ability to generate revenue. Brattleboro has a Grand List that has been relatively stagnant in recent years because we are limited geographically and because we have high taxes - two factors that chill expansion and development. But even more important, Brattleboro is a hub town with a population...

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Moving police department to Black Mountain Road: a bad idea

The Brattleboro Selectboard's vote to endorse a plan to relocate the police station from the Municipal Center to Black Mountain Road with the purchase of the Reformer Building is a bad idea, for a number of reasons. First, one Selectboard member was quoted in the Reformer, stating that it, ultimately, would be cheaper to move than stay. Initially, maybe, but this point of view totally ignores the enormous fit-up costs that would be necessary to again rent the vacated Municipal...

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