Rick Kenyon

No excuse for conditions of Brattleboro police department

To be quite honest, I was surprised to see the conditions displayed in the article. Personally, I would want to know why those conditions exist and who is responsible for maintenance of the facility. It might be an old facility, but there is no excuse for the conditions I saw in those pictures.

I might also add that the station was renovated - I think 10 to 15 years ago - so why did these poor conditions not get addressed then?

It also bothers me that if the Town of Brattleboro plans to increase our already-high property taxes for a new police department and fire station, they might consider sending a letter to all the taxpayers explaining their intentions and how much it will increase our taxes! And whatever happened to the idea of saving for such large projects?

I am very thankful for our police department and the job that they do, so please do not think I am bashing our officers. What bothers me is the management of our town and how decisions are made. Our property taxes increased by 50 percent to 60 percent after the high-school project so, understandably, I am a little nervous.

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