I urge voters to re-elect Michael Mrowicki to represent the Windham-4 district in the Vermont House of Representatives. I've had the privilege of knowing Mike since before he first ran for office.
Before moving to Vermont, I spent some time working with the legislature in another state. I saw that campaigning for office and working for constituents after someone has been elected are two different jobs.
I can say without reservation that I have seen Mike work hard at the job of Windham-4 representative to the benefit of his constituents and Vermont in general. Mike provided leadership opposing Act 46 and other initiatives to shift local control to centralized control in Montpelier.
As a Democrat, he has helped resist the chaos of the current White House which is spilling over into Vermont.
I am writing regarding the proposed closure of the Community High School of Vermont campuses across the state, and more specifically, the possible closure of its Brattleboro campus. I have seen, time and again, the effectiveness of the local CHS's program and staff in helping to graduate the students...