Kathy Korb

Why did Vernon library trustees disrupt process of transition?

Contrary to a recent headline in the Reformer, the minutes of the March 21 Vernon Free Library trustees' meeting clearly state that Kris Berberian had not resigned as library director.

The trustees and staff, including Kris, were challenged to begin a process to manage the library after a major budget cut was approved at Town Meeting in March. Kris volunteered to leave her position to accommodate the cuts, but she clearly communicated her plans to remain in her position and lead the transition process until June 30.

Unexpectedly removing Kris from her position more than two months early has upset the planned transition and placed an undue strain on the remaining library personnel and volunteers.

As a regular volunteer at the library for over two years, I'm left wondering why.

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In support of Vernon Free Library and its staff

Now that Vernon's annual Town Meeting has come and gone, I must come forward and speak up in support of our library and library staff. Libraries have been vital institutions around the world for thousands of years. Though we're now in the electronic information age, libraries are no less...

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