Earlier this month, Oregon senator Jeff Merkley visited the Texas-Mexico border. It is difficult to minimize the horror of what he witnessed.
Outside a dead Walmart Supercenter, Merkley was escorted by the police away from the facility without being able to witness the conditions inside.
I have been back from northern Europe for two weeks. I spent the month of April traveling, and had the great fortune to have friends or contacts in the countries I visited. I know many people cannot travel, but I wish more Americans could experience the deep chasm between...
Recently, I attended a “high-level nuclear waste summit” in Chicago. The purpose of this gathering was to lay out the various possible options for keeping the most toxic waste in the world isolated from humans and other species for up to a million years. The conference was comprised of...
March 14 was one of the most heartening days since election day 2016. We, the caring and thoughtful people of this country, are under assault by a federal government that has been taken over by a criminal cartel with exactly two interests in mind: money and power. This has been clearly and repeatedly dramatized by the unqualified and poorly performing appointments to key jobs, the few bills passed, including a tax bill (disastrous if your last name is not Bezos,
March 11, 2018 was the seventh anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that started the terrible meltdowns of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima, in northern Japan. The consequences of this disaster have been many: tens of thousands of citizens have been forced to leave their ancestral homes, some forever. After seven years, the reactors are still highly radioactive, and at this time, the technology does not exist to clean up this site. The owners have tried to create...
I am writing this after a drab, gray, and very unsettling spell of February weather, including a 70-degree day - part of a disturbing trend toward perpetual weather weirdness. Six towns in Windham County will be considering a town meeting resolution sponsored by 350 Vermont, making it clear that our communities want to become part of the work to improve our chances of leaving our grandchildren a livable world. Town Meeting resolutions propose to support our state in moving toward...
Since the terrible disaster of the 2016 election, like so many others, I have been in a quandary about my level of engagement with the Democratic party. Well, the recent complete cave-in to the forces of evil have renewed my strong feelings about not ever being a Democrat. The Democrats gave away the store to the Trump administration, selling out 800,000 young people who have been busy making this a better country. These Democrats have proved that they are a...
I encourage the voters of Windham-Bennington-1 to return John Moran to the Statehouse on Nov. 8. Over the past few weeks and months, I have had the chance to speak with Moran on several occasions. One of the things I am most impressed with is his dedication to improving the lot of working people in Vermont. In particular, he supports a livable wage for those who struggle at the lower end of the pay scale in our service economy: the...