Here are some questions Newfane residents might want to consider before voting for the second time on the new Town Office building bond issue that was rejected by the voters in August.
Question: Did the Selectboard ever ask the residents of Newfane if they were at all interested in a new Town Office building? Answer: No.
Question : Was the Town Office Building Committee appointed by the Selectboard representative of the residents of Newfane? Answer: No. In fact, the committee was heavily weighted with elected town officials or employees who seemingly had a predisposition for a new building from the outset.
Question: Did the town issue a request for proposals, as required for any contract over an established threshold amount, before selecting the firm that developed the proposal for a new building? Answer: No .
What is going on here? The Newfane Selectboard has accepted a petition for a re-vote on the same Town Office Building Bond issue that was just defeated in August by a large majority of the voters. To accept a petition at all for a second chance to reverse the...
Ironic, isn't it, that you chose not to print my letter opposing the Newfane Town Office building bond vote, yet you saw fit to publish Wendy M. Levy's supposed “news” article, which didn't even pretend to hide its bias toward the other side of the issue? I'm certainly not...