BRATTLEBORO-I feel unsafe when I see a white man with a gun.
I do not lobby for gun control. I don't want to take away my neighbors' guns, no matter their gender or race. I do not pester the Selectboard to ban guns in town. I think that would be pretty rude of me.
But I do feel unsafe when I see a white man with a gun! The sight scares me. My heart rate goes up, and I have a bad day. Worse still if they're wearing camo. Can't help it. I just have too many bad memories of wannabe cowboys in my hometown who'd rather run over antiwar protesters in their pickup trucks, or brandish a gun at a kid on their lawn, than actually talk to anybody.
I also feel pretty unsafe when I see a person in a police uniform. Can't help it. They also activate my stresses from an older time, when I was a young person in the big city and some of the NYPD had nothing better to do than hurt my friends for being gay and angry.
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