As I prepare to retire as Brattleboro Savings & Loan’s CEO, my mind drifts back to when I — along with my wife, Edie, a recovering banker herself — first arrived in Brattleboro, and what brought us here.
Living in southwestern Connecticut, we made the decision to find a better quality of life; we didn’t need two-hour commutes (and that was only 17 miles), nor did we want to spend our lives in an area where it seemed that what was most important to people was getting a fancier car or a bigger house or belonging to an exclusive club ... blech.
You may have heard that one of the proposals in President Biden's $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill is a provision that would require banks and credit unions (financial institutions) to greatly expand the information we are required to report to the IRS. Under the president's proposed legislation, financial institutions...
Being part of an institution that has been part of this community for over 100 years has afforded us some perspective. Our bank has weathered financial and humanitarian crises before, and we expect to continue to serve our communities for many years to come. Some have asked me what...
Recently, there was an attempt to steal money from members of the Brattleboro area community in the form of a text message sent to cell phones with local prefixes. Although this message stated that it was from Brattleboro Savings & Loan, the scammers had simply picked our name to use and sent out a blanket message to cell numbers regardless of whether or not we are your bank. There was no breach of information, and we've been working with the...