A glance around Marilyn Buhlmann's Brattleboro home tells you without a doubt two things that drive her passion: creativity and a commitment to her adopted community.
But Buhlmann will be leaving Brattleboro in October, splitting her time between Florida and Colorado to be closer to family. Boxes are packed with paintings, her ceramic bowls, and the two-foot tall, ceramic 'Wise Ones,” shamanic figures she has built by hand.
Piles of file folders must be gone through before her move. They represent the many community organizations she has supported as a volunteer leader - among them, three years of organizing the River Gallery School auctions while a board member; serving over 10 years on the Board of the Women's Crisis Center (four years as chair), where she coordinated the Women's Film Festival for three years; and volunteering as a bereavement counselor for Brattleboro Area Hospice for 13 years.
“I love the act of giving, being able to share myself and my resources with this wonderful community that I have made my home for the past 50 years,” Buhlmann said.
A glance around Ben Underhill's office at Putnam Insurance on Western Avenue tells you, without a doubt, the two things that he is most passionate about: baseball and young people. Adorning his office walls are countless scenes of baseball games along with numerous plaques acknowledging his service to the...
The feature film “Vengo Volviendo” (“Here and There”) will be shown at the Latchis Theatre on Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m., followed by a question-and-answer session with the filmmakers, Gabriel Páez and Isabel Rodas of the Ecuadorian film production company FILMARTE. The film is in Spanish with English subtitles...