Wendy Webber

Empathy Café: Maybe one day, there’ll be one on every street corner

This is a question I often ask myself: “How can I make a difference in this world of ours which is so often characterized by oppositional divisive thinking, a world where people are quick to point out the faults and somehow can't see the beauty that is within each of us?”

It's time to write a new story for ourselves and for humanity - a story where we as humans bring out the best in each other rather than the worst, a new story characterized by collaboration rather than competition, one where we discover and celebrate at our collective heart how similar we are, yet how unique also.

During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama suggested we would do well to pay as much attention, if not more, to the “empathy deficit as to the budget deficit.”

Indeed, I think if we paid attention to the empathy deficit in our culture, we may find the other elements of life would come into better balance, including the budget.

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