I am proud to be casting my vote for House candidate Rep. David Deen, and hope you will join me. Rep. Deen has a stellar legislative record, including a 100 percent environmental voting record in Vermont Conservation Voters' 2016 Environmental Scorecard.
Rep. Deen, like the majority of Windham County voters, supports clean, renewable energy and tackling climate change, while balancing local concerns about how and where solar and wind facilities are built. He also understands that investing in clean water, forest health, and safeguards for threatened and endangered species not only improves our environment but also boosts our economy and quality of life.
Rep. Deen is a true champion for clean water. His leadership on improving water quality in our rivers and lakes, and his ensuring safe drinking water for all of us here, will improve the lives of Vermonters now and into the future.
His leadership is what our state needs and deserves.