Like me, you might be feeling dismayed by the current presidential election cycle. Yet, while tabloid-style politics grabs the national media attention, back at home we are lucky to have local candidates for the Vermont Legislature that we can be proud of.
Recently, Vermont Conservation Voters released their endorsement of local candidates: Representatives David Deen, Mike Mrowicki, Valerie Stewart, Mollie Burke, and Tristan Toleno; and Senators Jeanette White and Becca Balint. We are lucky to have such a stellar slate of candidates to vote for. Each of these candidates have prioritized cleaning up our state's waters, keeping our kids safe from toxic chemicals, and keeping us moving toward a clean, renewable energy economy.
You can find more details on the environmental voting records for all of your local candidates at
Despite the tenor of our national politics, we can look closer to home for genuine leadership. I urge everyone to get out and vote for these pro-environment candidates this election season - our children's future depends on it.