Beginning on June 9, which happens to be International Children's Day, and culminating on June 16, Fathers Day, a Week of Action was held at the “emergency influx facility for migrant youth” in Homestead, Fla.
The administration's inhumane treatment of asylum seekers coming across the southern border includes isolating children younger than 18 years old and placing them in “detention centers.”
The largest such center is a for-profit facility at the former Homestead Air Force Base. Since it is on federal land, there is no ability for Florida to investigate this facility, and the quality and conditions in this center are secretive, unregulated, and unknown.
This facility, built to house 1,000 children between the ages of 13 to 17, now houses approximately 3,000 youths. These children have traveled to the border under harsh conditions and arrive traumatized and often without family, only to be sent to what are essentially jails for children.
I am as dismayed by the election results as Randolph T. Holhut, and sympathize with his feelings. However, I feel that his column was offensive and, I'm sorry to say, stupid. Things are a little more complex than the view you presented in your state of anger. I don't...