Jon King

What can our town do to assist our most vulnerable members?

Many thanks to Liza King who, in these pages, has added another voice of compassion for the many folks among us who are struggling mightily with poverty, homelessness, or disabilities of one sort or another.

Those among us who are so privileged should be thankful for a roof over our heads, food in the refrigerator, and clothes on our backs - in short, a safe place of refuge.

Often I think of a refrain sung by Joan Baez as I walk down the streets of Brattleboro: “There but for fortune go you and I.”

Let us as a community and a society be judged by the care we give to the least among us. What can our town do to assist our most vulnerable members in terms of life's basic necessities of food and shelter?...

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Critics confuse Israel policies and practices with anti-Semitism

Neither the victims nor the perpetrators of the alleged anti-Semitic program at local schools are identified in the letter. Because the conversation revolved around the Palestinian struggles, I'm wondering if criticism of the state of Israel's policies and practices is not being confused with anti-Semitism. This is an old...

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Jazz has deep and rich connection with civil rights, Black solidarity

On Nov. 12, the Vermont Jazz Center presented an outstanding We Four concert dedicated to the music of John Coltrane. The band played wonderfully. The audience loved it. The heinous bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church church in Birmingham, Alabama, which killed four young girls, inspired Coltrane and...

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