Editor's note: The Commons added punctuation to the YouTube-generated transcript for readability.
BRATTLEBORO-In an episode of the Planet Hank Live Show that streamed live on Jan. 16, there is a section that I would like to point out, starting around the 33-minute mark. Here is the text, courtesy of the YouTube-generated transcript:...
We often talk about the merits of "thinking outside the box," yet the reality is, we live within the confines of culture, experience, and tradition. And the law. David Gartenstein is one of those unique individuals who can think creatively while both recognizing those boundaries and working to change...
When an issue is discussed for a long time, one might experience fatigue. Or, as a prominent member of this community wrote to me, "Can we drop this issue? It happened. Let's please move on." But as Yogi Berra accurately predicted: "It ain't over till it's over." In point...
The currently sitting Selectboard in Brattleboro has unfinished business ... and it cannot be accomplished by the currently sitting members. For there to be honest and real “transparency,” three members of the board must change. Richard “Dick” DeGray stands out first as someone who speaks his mind and - from personal experience, I can say - as someone who will think through an issue and debate it. Dick and I may not always agree, but we will hear each other.
This op-ed poses a question that seems logical on its face - until one does a bit of research. The “compelling state interest” test has been a part of Supreme Court case law since 1963 (Sherbert v. Verner) and 1972 (Wisconsin v. Yoder), where religious freedom was upheld in the absence of compelling state interest. The Supreme Court incorporated this test in the Roe v. Wade decision: “Where certain 'fundamental rights' are involved, the Court has held that regulation limiting...
I am not commenting about the merits of the decision on EMS but solely on the decision-making process. Many problems with the process bear repeating and beg for further analysis and reflection ... hopefully, this board and administration agrees: It appears a position was articulated at the Feb. 9 meeting. That decision resulted in frustration. Now information is being disclosed via the media. I invite the board to reflect on what happened and even bring in a neutral third party...
Soon it will be Tuesday, March 2: Prepare to vote in the Town Meeting Day and Windham Southeast School District elections. • First, register to vote or make sure you are registered. You can do that online by using the online voter registration page at olvr.vermont.gov and request your ballots at My Voter Page, mvp.vermont.gov. If you encounter problems logging in, please contact your town clerk. For the Brattleboro Town Clerk, phone 802-251-8157 or email [email protected]. Strongly consider voting by...
An open letter to Rep. Brian Smith (R-Derby) regarding his participation in the lawsuit Martel v. Condos, filed in United States District Court in Vermont: Rather than becoming part of the problem by engaging with two out-of-state lawyers to obstruct Vermont's voting by absentee, it would be preferable that you would work with your fellow legislators and the people of this state to ensure a successful vote in the upcoming election. Vote-by-mail significantly increased turnout while decreasing on-site voting during...