MacLean Gander and Shanta Lee Gander

On the front lines

On the front lines

As young people and families find themselves affected by the opioid crisis, Brattleboro wrestles with the question of funding priorities for the human-services organizations that provide support at all levels

Members at this year's Annual Representative Town Meeting approved a 1-percent local-option sales tax, a measure projected to add more than $600,000 to the town's coffers.

That decision prompted a spirit of generosity in some of the Town Meeting members - one that sometimes began to seem like a spending spree.

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‘It’s not just a story. It happens to people every day. And it’s real. The violence and the pain and the drugs.’

For young people in Brattleboro, it is all too easy to get trapped in a world of violence, few economic opportunities, and lack of life skills and family support

As the town copes with the consequences of opioids, one segment of the population finds itself especially affected: youth. A recent series of interviews with younger people who have managed to climb out of hardships suggest an undercurrent of street violence and the consequences of addiction within their community.

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Artists performing on issues of inclusivity will also embrace disability issues

We thank all who attended our recent production, Voices, and made the benefit such a success. Our goal is to keep Voices going as a concept and an ensemble, focused on using word, music, and image to convey a message of inclusiveness and authentic expression in a very difficult...

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