Mike Mrowicki has represented the Windham-4 district (Putney and Dummerston) in the Vermont House of Representatives since 2007.
PUTNEY-For those experiencing sticker shock from viewing their property tax bills this year, you're not alone. I get it. Or, I got it, as our tax bill soared on a 1,000-square-foot house on 2 acres, 5 miles from town on a dirt road.
PUTNEY-The 2024 election is now in our rearview mirror, and voters have spoken. I thank the voters of Putney and Dummerston in the Windham-4 district for speaking with their overwhelming votes and support for this next term in the Vermont House of Representatives. It is an honor to serve...
Mike Mrowicki has served since 2007 in the Vermont House of Representatives, where he represents Putney and Dummerston in the Windham-4 district. For more information about Mrowicki and his campaign for re-election, visit windham4.online. PUTNEY-As we head toward Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5, one issue that we see...
As soon as the 2023-24 Legislative session began, lawmakers started hearing from town clerks, Selectboards, school board members, town school committee members, and other citizens to pass H.42 (“An act relating to temporary alternative procedures for annual municipal meetings and electronic meetings of public bodies,” signed into law on Jan. 25) — and do it ASAP. Please note the key phrase in the title of the bill: “temporary alternative.” These are temporary alternatives to how we recognize health and safety...
Covid-19. Climate. Racial/social justice. We are facing this triple pandemic in this nation and still, we have no plan from the White House. So the lack of national leadership means state and local leaders have to step up. And in Vermont, we have. The recently concluded Overtime Session of the Vermont Legislature has passed a number of bills to address those major concerns, along with the everyday nuts-and-bolts bills that keep the government running. At a time when more Vermonters...
These are surely times that are testing our faith in ourselves, one another, and our democracy. As we saw with Richard Nixon, though, our republic is strong. And it can withstand the current assaults on the U.S. Constitution. What's heartening is to see a strong majority of Americans still believe that no one is above the law, as this president will find out. And, I am confidant that Dr. Martin Luther King's reminder that “the arc of moral justice is...
Women's Reproductive Freedom. Ethnic studies. Fair and impartial policing. Indigenous Peoples' Day. Firearm waiting periods. Checks and balances of government. These are just a few of the headline issues from the wide array of work from 2019, the first year of this biennium of the Vermont Legislature. Each House member serves on one committee; each Senate member, on two. Our work also entails staying on top of what all 26 House and Senate committees are up to. Our committee work...
Thanks for publishing Heidi Watts' poignant and compelling account of the purge of teachers at Putney Central School in 1966 for being “Quakers and communists.” Anyone who knows Heidi - or Anne Fines, another teacher purged from Putney - knows what amazing educators they went on to become. Heidi has, for decades, been helping set up education at Auroville, an intentional community in India. Anne's long career as an educator included creating the SCAMP summer program for pre-K students to...