Debbie Boyd

Food Pantry Benefit Motorcycle Ride a resounding success

The annual Deerfield Valley Food Pantry Benefit Motorcycle Ride was a resounding success! We had beautiful weather, a record 105 registrants participating, and we raised $3,765.50. All in all, an outstanding day.

Many, many thanks to Valley View Saloon for coordinating and sponsoring our event - without that support, our benefit would not have evolved into the great event it is! Thank you to event sponsors, volunteers, and everyone who participated in our event.

The Deerfield Valley Food Pantry serves approximately 100 families (for an estimated 300 people) per month, supplementing their food budget with about a week's groceries, plus fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, and dairy.

Please mark Aug. 25, 2018 on your calendars for our eighth annual bike ride event!...

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