Betsey Cox

This area and its culture are worth the cold

I have been a Vermont resident for exactly 32 years this month and I would not want to live anywhere else. Susan Crowther won't have to worry about this Yankee buying any property in Tennessee, because it's never going to happen.

Now, I am no fan of polar vortices, to which my husband will readily attest. The geography around Elizabethton, Tenn. sounds lovely, and I think you will find nice people anywhere you go. But I love this area and its culture, whose value systems and beliefs most closely mirror my own.

So I'll just pile on the woolens and and light the fire, because at the end of the day this is the only place that I really want to be. Even though we are winter weary by the time March rolls around, it makes those first warm spring days all the sweeter when they finally do arrive.


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