T. Breeze Verdant

At swimming holes, the human waste has to go somewhere

I need to speak up about the obvious negligence in regard to human waste on the part of the state or whatever towns are responsible for the hugely popular swimming holes on the Rock River and West River.

We have wickedly hot days that drive people to use these natural assets, then voluminous rainstorms flush them out repeatedly. I have spoken with people who have gotten waste on their bodies while frequenting this riparian zone.

Even if the tests that are done on the West River do not indicate an E.coli problem resulting from this heavy use, how about the fact of common sense observance that, on a hot day many cars line Route 30?

I've counted a line of 120 cars and have seen longer lines than that one. That would easily have to average out to 100 to 150 people in those areas, multiplied by however many sunny summer days. I conservatively estimate 6,000 users in a summer. That waste is going somewhere!...

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If Dollar General stores are inevitable, can we negotiate their appearance?

I am not fond of Dollar General stores; I call them “the Chinese store” as most of the products sold there come from a country where there are no pollution controls, notorious human-rights abuses, super tankers burning illegal high-sulfur fuel oils to carry these products to our shores, and...

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A very bad time to be riding motorcycles

Our culture is way too distracted and stressed out

Since the tragic motorcycle accident involving Stanley and Laura Lynde this summer, feelings and thoughts have been festering in my gut. They were brought very clearly to the surface while driving to work recently, with the effect that I had to pull to the side of the road to...

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For its message on guns, NRA should be ashamed

Someone has to say it. In light of the horrifying slaughter in Las Vegas, I hope that the National Rifle Association hangs its head in shame for its clenched-fist-of-truth advertising. A video that promotes on a mass level the concept of righteousness being leveled upon the masses in the form of justice by a gun group. A message that so easily could be taken to heart by a person who is deeply suffering like the rest of us over the...

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