For high school seniors, returning from vacation for the last year isn't the only thing on their minds. Instead, they're contemplating the course of their future.
Seniors have been prepped and preened for graduation and, customarily, college. While this next step is exciting, figuring out what to do after high school can sometimes seem like a choice that will dictate your entire future.
Main Street Arts has never tried presenting a play like Equus, an emotional and unconventional thriller that follows psychiatrist Martin Dysart as he attempts to treat Alan, a 17-year-old boy who has attacked and blinded six horses. The play, written by Peter Shaffer, is famously known for its gut-wrenching...
“Cars, Cocktails, and Conversation” was the theme for a fundraiser for Our Place on Aug. 14 in Saxtons River. The outdoor event featured an impressive assembly of vintage cars, ranging from World War II-era Jeeps to a recreated prototype of the first Land Rover, Britain's answer to the Jeep.
Residents of Vermont, a place of rich tradition and deep-rooted culture, understand the importance of cherishing and preserving the relics of our history. On the north side of Meetinghouse Road lies one of the oldest of these treasures, the Rockingham Meeting House, which this year celebrates its 230th anniversary and will be recognized by several events around Rockingham's Aug. 5 Old Home Days celebration. Built in 1787 - and established as a National Landmark in 2000 - the landmark was...
Creating art is often a solitary pursuit, but once in a while, you need to get out of the studio and meet with your colleagues. That's the thinking behind the Rockingham Arts and Museum Project's “town meetings” for local artists at 33 Bridge St., home to WOOL-FM. The potluck and discussion event, which is hosted quarterly, brings together artists, artisans and local growers in the area to discuss ideas, challenges, and opportunities. RAMP Director Robert McBride says the goal of...
This year, the Brattleboro Community Television Summer Video and Tech Camp tackled the spiritual world of ghosts and ghouls. Starting in 2006, the BCTV camp has been offered each summer during the last week in June and, each year, campers create a short fantasy film. This year's theme was “Ghost Hunters: Vermont.” Brattleboro Community Television is a community media center that serves eight towns in southern Windham County. While most know BCTV for its coverage of municipal meetings and special...
This Fourth of July, the Saxtons River Community is coming together around the theme, “Let's Build a Fire Station,” to promote the creation of a new village fire station. The annual Fourth of July festivities start at 8:30 a.m. with the Firecracker 5K Road race, sponsored by the Walpole Savings Bank and Village Square Booksellers. Registration for the 5K begins at 7:30 a.m. at the bandstand on Main Street. After the race, entries for the annual pie contest are due...
In the humid air, people line up along the streets, solemnly holding up the blue, white, and red flag, a tribute to their fallen idol. An ocean away, people crowd the roads, cheering, drinking, and shooting off red, white, and blue firecrackers, celebrating the demise of that very same ruler. Such vastly different reactions to the death of a leader call into question the legacy he leaves behind. How will people remember him? As a brutal tyrant who destroyed the...