Ann Schroeder

Why haven’t VSP and Windham County sheriff adopted statewide policy on fair and impartial policing?

Thank you for your detailed coverage of the Dec. 16 meeting in Putney about fair and impartial policing in Vermont.

I've heard Lt. Garry Scott speak before, and every time I learn about new initiatives. I appreciate the efforts of the Vermont State Police to improve diversity in their ranks, to train officers on a variety of social justice issues, and to reduce bias in traffic stops.

What wasn't mentioned, though, was that the Vermont State Police have refused to adopt the statewide fair and impartial policing policy. Vermont Act 54 (2017–2018) mandated that all law enforcement agencies adopt the recently revised policy by April 2018.

An agency that chose not to adopt it was required to submit changes to the office of the attorney general (AG) office for approval. The AG's office has not been very communicative on this issue, but last I heard (October), they had not approved any of the policies that were submitted.

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Join us in Rutland to welcome our newest citizens

Your recent article about the impact of the new anti-immigrant agenda on local educational institutions was eye-opening and very discouraging. The United States was founded by immigrants and almost all of us have ancestors who were immigrants. Immigrants enrich our country in so many ways. They are hard working...

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