PUTNEY-We all cannot believe our eyes, some with dismay and others with deep gratitude: The president has been elected with a mandate from the people.
It is a blessing that the election is decided, and not challengeable. This spares us the haranguing of outcomes, the twisting of narratives, and the stress of the unknown. As my father would say, decisions are beauty, and Americans have delivered their opinion.
I live in the bluest county of the Nation, perhaps the bluest town in the nation, and I want to soothe you: All will be well. Relax for a few beats, and you will find that all is not as described.
Trump loves people of all colors, and they love him. He is a character, but he loves people and loves deeply. Those who meet him feel it and respond to that love.
PUTNEY-Rep. Mike Mrowicki, incumbent for the Windham-4 district (Putney and Dummerston), is running unopposed only in this summer's primary election, not for the November race. He will have two challengers, and one of them will be me. I am a primary progressive. I identify as an independent. My purpose...
The current war has one solution: peace. What is peace? Peace is treating every person with the respect they need. Peace is creating economic environments for everyone to thrive, where everyone has the dignity of enough money to be purposeful in life and not subjected to stress of abject...
The media demands that you hate Donald Trump and creates the “news” for you. If you don't buy it, you too are deplorable. The more the media instructs me to hate him, and the more vitriol I see from local Democrats and Progressives, the more I am certain he is to be loved because he is honorable where the deep state is not. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate...
What is othering? This is the destruction of our understanding of the basic connectors of humanity. We all are familiar with the old strategy “divide and conquer,” yet why do we fall prey to it over and over? Things seem to be really falling apart. Our economy is hurting. Those who already can't compete are doing worse than before. Why should we have to compete simply to partake in life honorably? Why is the economy about competition - why can't...
This is an open letter to my representatives, in particular Mike Mrowicki. Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us to judge a man by the content of his character and not the color of his skin. The content of America's character is to love, to give, and to care for all humanity. I know people are divided. I want all to pay close attention to who is telling you to hate and fear. I ask for your immediate resignation, Mike, for...
If the reader does not know what 5G is, a visit to the website of the Prove-it Initiative will be informative. Entities responsible for the planned launch of more than 20,000 satellites to saturate the entire Earth in high-frequency microwaves seem to count on our silence while extreme harm is undertaken. On poles everywhere, you can see the extra transformers needed for the extra energy required and 5G hardware associated with this damaging technology. What follows are a series of...
Vermonters are capable of choice; they make excellent choices from many thousands of options daily, and they benefit from their ability to select one from multiple alternatives. VPR, Vermont PBS, WCAX, VtDigger.org, and all the rest of the debate hosts have no right to keep candidates from competing and no right to keep the people from altering their government by competing for votes in elections. The aforementioned press outlets say their freedoms of the press allows them to decide who...